Date: Thursday 14 February 2019
Time: afternoon workshop, 13:30 – 16:45
Location: Training Suite at Human Development Scotland’s Glasgow city centre offices, 4th floor, Victoria Chambers, 142 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2RQ.
An Introduction to Therapeutic Photography, afternoon workshop, Thursday 14 February, 13:30 – 16:45
Join Human Development Scotland for an introductory and interactive afternoon session on Therapeutic Photography with Neil Gibson from the Robert Gordon University.
What actually is Therapeutic Photography? It’s the act of using photography to gain insight and promote healing.
What are the benefits? The benefits often come more from the process of thinking about and taking the photo rather than the final result. The goal isn’t a perfect photo, but to gain awareness about yourself and your life situation. There are no rules or judgement in the process and no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ photos. A photograph is all about the meaning you give it. This is how therapeutic photography is healing; you choose what has meaning for you!
This unique afternoon workshop will involve some fun and engaging exercises with everyone’s camera or camera phone so please make sure you don’t forget it! Teas, coffees and sandwiches will be available from 13:30 for a prompt 14:00 start and the session will finish at 16:45. Places are limited.
Workshop Facilitator: Neil Gibson from Robert Gordon University is taking the workshop and delivers a flexible online module course in Therapeutic Photography at Robert Gordon University.
Who should come along? This event is open to everyone, in particular those who work in the health and social care sectors and/or are interested in photography or anyone who just fancies coming to a workshop which is a little bit different. Please bring your camera/camera phone.
£35 Members and Students, £45 Non Members
Email: info@hds.scot
Tel: 0141 331 2419
Please see https://www.hdscotland.org.uk/therapeuticphotography for full details of the workshop.