Date: 2-4pm, Tuesday 27th November 2018
Location: Room 251 Main Building, University of Glasgow
The Medical Humanities Early Career Researcher Group at the University of Glasgow will be holding a preliminary meeting for the organisation of a medical humanities conference scheduled for next year.
-To gauge interest in organising a med hums conference
-To generate ideas in terms of topic, scope, direction, format
-To identify people interested in contributing to organisation (those unsure about or not interested in organising it are still very much encouraged to come along to share ideas!)
-To network with other ECRs in the medical humanities
Please register for catering purposes: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/meeting-to-discuss-medical-humanities-conference-tickets-52489323981
If you’re a med hums ECR, please feel free to come along and if you know any PhD students or ECRs who you think might be interested please do pass this message on.