Date: 16th-18th January 2019
Location: Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, University of Sussex
Deadline for Applications: 27th July 2018
Subjectivity, Self-Narratives and the History of Emotions Masterclass,
A British Academy Rising Stars Engagement Event,
Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, University of Sussex,
16th-18th January 2019
Where many History of Emotions studies have focused on norms and discourses, this event asks how we can explore how thoughts and feelings could be articulated, expressed and repressed through what is understood as individual subjectivities. This approach is crucial if we are to understand why people act in certain ways and thus how historical change occurs. In short, it focuses on exploring subjective experience and emotional practices: the way in which emotions are performed and produced by a historically-situated body. This British Academy Rising Stars Engagement Event comprises of a two-day masterclass, which links up Early Career Researchers with leaders in the field, and a one-day international symposium. The event will focus on knowledge sharing and network creation to build future collaborations.
Applications are invited from Early Career Researchers for approximately 15 participants for a two-day masterclass led by leaders in the field of the History of Emotions and historical subjectivities. There will be four workshop sessions over the first two days, each led by a mentor, including Lyndal Roper (Oxford), Thomas Dixon (QMUL), Claire Langhamer (Sussex), and Penny Summerfield (Manchester). This provides a unique opportunity for participants to closely engage with experts in the field, and to work in a methodologically rigorous way with different approaches to emotions and subjectivities. At the core of the masterclass will be a focus on close engagement with participants’ work and discussion of creative methodologies, as well as a development of cross-period perspectives (from early modern to modern). The masterclass will then be followed by a one-day international symposium on 18 January, which will promote engagement on an international scale and include keynote speakers such as William Reddy, Ute Frevert, Tim Hitchcock as well as keynotes from the masterclass convenors, Lyndal Roper, Thomas Dixon, Claire Langhamer and Penny Summerfield, and which masterclass participants will be expected to attend.
Participants will be asked to bring a primary source in which emotions and/or subjectivities can be explored to the masterclass, and to pre-circulate amongst other participants and mentors a short piece of writing outlining their research project(s) and the methodological questions and approaches that they are engaged with relating to emotions and subjectivities (approx. 1000 words). This will allow for ideas and approaches to be shared and productively discussed. A reader with relevant texts for each session will be circulated in the months prior to the masterclass. Through these sessions, we aim to cultivate a network on emotions and subjectivities and enable participants and mentors continue to work with each other after the event.
Applicants are requested to submit a CV, short bio (200 words max), and explanation of motivation (500 words max). In the explanation of motivation please indicate the relevance of your research to the themes of the event, outline what questions you would like to work through in the masterclass and how your research might benefit from participating. Please also give a brief description of the possible primary source you would bring to the masterclass and its thematic relevance.
Applications should be sent to the following email address: historyofemotions2019@gmail.com
The deadline for completed applications is 27 July 2018.
Please email Emilia the Event Co-ordinator at the email below if you have any queries regarding the event or application.
Financial Assistance
A contribution towards travel and accommodation expenses will be provided. Food and refreshments will be provided throughout the two-day masterclass and one-day symposium.
Conference Organiser
Dr Laura Kounine: l.kounine@sussex.ac.uk
Event Co-ordinator
Emilia Halton-Hernandez: e.halton-hernandez@sussex.ac.uk
For more information, please see: https://historyofemotions2019.com/call-for-participants/