Date: 6th – 7th September 2017 (Dortmund, Germany)
The theme for this year’s Dementia Lab is sharing the underlying questions that designers, researchers and educators face in their design process for and together with people with dementia.
These questions vary from such practical challenges as recruiting persons with dementia to finding funding before a project begins or failing to have a method work as expected. Designers may struggle to find a way of communicating with people with dementia when words fail or have a hard time coping with the stress of dealing with people who are in constant mental and physical decline. Finally, once a design is made, designers and researchers often encounter resistance to the first iterations of the things designed or have difficulty integrating the designs into the routines of daily life and care.
This second edition of the Dementia Lab event, wishes to support the sharing of these successes and failures by inviting contributions from designers and researchers who are designing for and together with persons with dementia.
The event program is open for traditional contributions such as papers and workshop proposals. Additionally, there is the possibility to share experiences through stories as well as showcase the designs made for persons with dementia. The poster exhibition gives the opportunity to discuss preliminary ideas or share an experience in a poster format. Selected submissions will be published in the event proceedings.
Deadline for submission: 12th June 2-17
Notification of acceptance: beginning of July
Dementia Lab event: 6th – 7th September 2017
As the event is supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the Fochhochschule Dortmund, the cost to attend is free. However, no more than 50 participants can attend. We have a travel support for students of up to 250 euro.
Andrea Wilkinson & Niels Hendriks, LUCA School of Arts, Social Spaces, University of Leuven (Belgium). See www.dementialab.com for more info.