As part of the German Research Foundation (DFG) funded research training group “Life Sciences, Life Writing: Experiences at the Boundaries of Human Life between Biomedical Explanation and Lived Experience” (GRK 2015/1), the University of Mainz and the Mainz University Clinic are jointly inviting applications for three doctoral fellowships.
At the intersection of biomedicine, individual and society, experiences at the boundaries of human life arise which pertain to the entire human life span, from technologically assisted reproduction to end-of-life decisions accompanied by intensive care. These experiences at the boundaries of human life confront both biomedicine and the humanities with the necessity of reassessing their established approaches to problem solving and definitions of agency, and require an interdisciplinary dialogue. Therefore, we invite doctoral students from the following disciplinary backgrounds:
- History of Medicine and Science
- Theory of Medicine and Science, particularly with a focus on Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- Ethics of Medicine, Ethics and Theory of Action
- American Studies with a focus on literature and culture studies, particularly Early American Studies, North-American history, Transnational American Studies, Medical Humanities, Disability Studies
to apply for one of the doctoral fellowships. Our interdisciplinary research training group provides you with the opportunity to bring your skills and competencies to a structured doctoral program based on interdisciplinary dialogue.
Your contacts for academic questions are the speakers of the research training group: Univ-Prof Dr Norbert W Paul (tel: 0049 (0)6131 179545) and Univ-Prof Dr Mita Banerjee (tel: 0049 (0)6131 3922250).
Your application should include a cover letter, CV, credentials, exposé of the planned project (1-2 pages), motivational letter (1-2 pages) and reference letters by two academic instructors. Please send applications by email here, ideally as a single PDF file, referencing job opening 797/16-2. The closing date for applications is 20th January 2017.
To find out more about the fellowships and the program, please visit the GRK-homepage.