Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies
Special issue: The Intersections of Disability and Science Fiction
Guest editors: Ria Cheyne (Disability and Education, Liverpool Hope University) and Kathryn Allan (Independent Scholar, Canada)
“No other literary genre comes close to articulating the anxieties and preoccupations of the present day as clearly and critically as SF, making it a vital source of understanding advances in technology and its impact on newly emerging embodiments and subjectivities, particularly for people with disabilities.”
–Kathryn Allan, Disability in Science Fiction
Reflecting the status of science fiction as a genre that spans multiple mediums and audiences, this special issue of JLCDS seeks articles that explore the intersection(s) of science fiction, disability, and disability studies. What possibilities might science fiction or science fiction theory offer to disability activists and the field of disability studies? How might disability theory, or a disability-informed approach, enrich or transform our understanding of science fiction as a genre or as a mode of thought?
Topics might include, but are not limited to:
- Representations of disability in science fiction literature, comics/graphic novels, film, art, music, video games, or television, and their implications for our understanding of genre and/or disability.
- Science fiction fan culture (including conventions, fanfic and other forms of fan production).
- Science fiction and prosthesis.
- Science fiction and eugenics/genetic engineering.
- Science fiction and the posthuman.
- Accessibility and science fiction environments.
- The political and ethical consequences of imagining future worlds with or without disability.
- The figure of the alien or cyborg in science fiction and/or disability theory.
- Disability and queerness in science fiction.
- Disability and indigenous futures in science fiction.
- Science fiction, disability, and medical humanities.
- The influence of disability activism on professional or fan-based science fiction production.
Submissions that consider how disability intersects with other identity categories are particularly encouraged. The guest editors welcome contributions from independent scholars.
Please email a 500 word proposal to cheyner[at]hope[dot]ac[dot]uk and kathryn[at]academiceditingcanada[dot]ca by 15th March 2017. Contributors can expect to be notified by 26th April 2017. Full drafts of the selected articles will be due by 6th December 2017. Please direct any questions to either guest editor.