Announcing a new Wellcome-Trust funded project headed by Dr Gavin Miller, Director of the Medical Humanities Research Centre in the School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow.
The project investigates the significance of science fiction for the medical humanities, and is intended to pathfind for a future, large-scale research project.
Science fiction isn’t confined to novels, short stories, and cinema; it also gives us a style and substance for our visions of medical progress. This project doesn’t investigate only the familiar genre elements of narrative fiction, cinema and TV. It also explores the so-called ‘technoscientific imaginary’, and its imagining of future possibilities enabled by biomedical progress.
The project’s activities include:
- A series of themed workshops, and a concluding conference, consolidating a network of interested researchers, clinicians, and writers.
- An online database of primary and secondary resources to aid future research.
- A themed special issue of BMJ Medical Humanities on ‘Science Fiction and the Medical Humanities’
- A creative writing competition, with successful entrants appearing in a competition anthology
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