Project Manager: The Life of Breath
The Centre for Medical Humanities (CMH) at Durham University is looking to appoint a Project Manager to for the Life of Breath, a five-year research project supported by a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award in the Medical Humanities. The ‘Life of Breath’ (LoB) is based in Durham University and the University of Bristol, and is directed by Professor Jane Macnaughton (Durham) and Professor Havi Carel (Bristol). The project team is spread across both institutions and meets regularly for interdisciplinary research discussion. The Project Manager will work alongside a dynamic, interdisciplinary team of researchers at Durham in the CMH and play a key role in the development of the ‘Life of Breath’ project team and in ensuring the overall success of the project. Senior members of the Project Team at Durham include Professor Corinne Saunders (English Studies) and Dr Andrew Russell (Anthropology). We are looking for someone who combines excellent administrative skills with a keen interest and engagement in the aims and outcomes of our research.
Working closely with the project Co-Directors, the post-holder will be responsible for managing this ambitious, interdisciplinary project and for helping to develop the local, national and international profile of LoB. The Project Manager’s main responsibilities will include: establishing a working manual for the project team outlining clear working procedures including how to access travel and conference funding, and open access publishing protocols; working with the Bristol Project Manager to coordinate the meetings of the project team; ensuring that the PIs and project team achieve agreed project targets and milestones; liaising with relevant administrators in participating departments to monitor project expenditure and to manage the project budget; ensuring efficient and effective communication ‘internally’ and ‘externally’ with project partners and stakeholders; event management of project meetings, workshops, and conferences; working with the Bristol PM to develop and maintain the project website and optimising the dissemination of information through digital publications and social media; and coordinating the production of reports to funding bodies.
This is a fixed-term Grade 6 0.8 FTE post commencing as soon as possible for 5 years. Days of work to be negotiated but will include Thursday and Friday. Please note that interviews for this post are likely to take place on 7th May 2015.
Applications close March 27 2015. For more information and to apply, please visit the Durham University HR web site. For informal enquiries, please contact: Professor Jane Macnaughton.
Applications are invited for a full-time, fixed term (for three years) Research Associate in Philosophy.
This position is attached to a research project, ‘Evaluating Evidence in Medicine’, funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council and led by Professor Jon Williamson. The project is a collaboration between the University of Kent, University College London, the University of Amsterdam, the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
The Person
You will hold a PhD in Philosophy (successful viva at time of interview) and have a record of international excellence in research and publication.
You will need to demonstrate your excellence in research in philosophy of science and have a record of presenting research papers at national and international conferences.
For full details of the role and person specification please click the link to the job description.