Date: 21-23 November 2019
Location: University of Dundee
Deadline for Abstracts: 1 February 2019
CFP: Architectural Humanities Research Association Conference – ‘Architecture & Collective Life’
21-23 November 2019, University of Dundee – https://ahra2019.com/
We want to call your attention to the Architecture & Collective Life conference to be held in Dundee in November 2019. This is the annual interdisciplinary international conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association. We will be producing a special issue of Architecture & Culture and an edited book in the Routledge Critiques series following the conference. The conference website, our keynotes and the call for panels and papers is now live https://ahra2019.com/keynotes/ and the deadline for abstracts is 01 February 2019.
We have kept collective life as open as possible – it has obvious resonances with class consciousness, collective memory, the Freudian/Lacanian unconscious – and we expect to use the paper sessions to name and work through the different forms of collective thought and action, in public and private life. We are particularly interested in the ways that architecture and cities shape public spaces and institutions, and the ways that digital media and technologies are augmenting public space as key platforms for political action. We expect a strong response from practitioners and theorists in art, design, architecture, planning and the social sciences.
Lorens Holm + Penny Lewis
Conference Organisers, AHRA 2019 Dundee
Architecture & Collective Life