Plenary Lecture and Workshop Session: ‘Making models: the production and exchange of anatomical knowledge around 1800’, Dr Marieke Hendriksen, Glasgow, 4 December 2018

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Date: 4 December 2018; Workshop: 15:00 – 17:00; Lecture: 17:45

Location: Workshop: The Hunterian at Kelvin Hall (Teaching Lab-42); Lecture: The Hunterian at Kelvin Hall (Seminar Room 1)

A Plenary Lecture and a Workshop session ‘Making models: the production and exchange of anatomical knowledge around 1800’ will be held at The Hunterian at Kelvin Hall next 4 December and chaired by Dr Marieke Hendriksen (Senior Researcher on the ERC Artechne project and Co-Principal Investigator for the project Art DATIS at Utrecht University). This combined academic event is part of the programming around the exhibition currently on view at the Hunterian Art Gallery ‘William Hunter and the Anatomy of the Modern Museum’. Dr Marieke Hendriksen’s work gravitates towards the intersection of art, science, and material culture, specifically the history of scientific and anatomical collections during the long eighteenth century, exploring issues like the complex interaction between experimentation and theory and the fluidity of epistemic domains and professional roles.

The Workshop will explore eighteenth-century techniques of casting from body parts, and will consist of recreating the technique throughout its different stages to produce a real cast from an animal organ. This session will take place in the Hunterian at Kelvin Hall (Teaching Lab-42) from 15:00 – 17:00. The places are free but limited to a maximum of 10 people.

To register for this workshop you can go to:

In the Public Lecture, Dr Hendriksen will discuss the results of her latest research on the transmission of practical knowledge and skills between artists and anatomists in the period of 1750-1850. The lecture is a free event and will take place at Kelvin Hall (Seminar Room 1) at 17:45.


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