Date: 12.30 – 4.30pm, 7th December 2017
Location: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 232-242 St Vincent St., Glasgow, G2 5RJ
A workshop exploring Glasgow’s medical, legal, criminal and social histories. The aim of the workshop is to share expertise and to produce a network of potential collaborators to form projects relating to these topics. We’ll also be drawing on archival material to discover the under-examined medical-legal figures of the period; of particular interest is the police surgeon and the different spaces of their work from the station to the crime scene.
The event is particularly suited to those from an arts, social science, or science background but all are welcome. Lunch and refreshments included.
The event is free but places are limited, so please book in advance by emailing library@rcpsg.ac.uk or calling 0141 221 6071.