Lecture, Pankaj Chandak: ‘Safer Surgery – The Lasting Legacy of Joseph Lister’
Date: 7pm, Thursday 15th June 2017 (refreshments from 6.30pm)
Location: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 232-242 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5RJ
The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow is delighted to invite you to their annual Goodall Lecture. The Goodall Lecture this year is inspired by the 150th anniversary of Joseph Lister’s article in the Lancet announcing the arrival of antiseptic surgery – a major breakthrough in medical science. This breakthrough was of course achieved in Glasgow, so it is fitting that the lecture is part of the Glasgow Science Festival 2017.
We’re delighted to welcome Mr Pankaj Chandak, transplant surgeon at Guy’s, St Thomas’ and Great Ormond Street Hospitals, who will deliver the Goodall Lecture. Mr Chandak is passionate about Lister’s achievements and his legacy in surgical safety, linking the innovations of the 1860s with today’s developments in 3-D printing. You can see more of Mr Chandak here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKUIvt9DI_Q
Setting the context of Lister’s 1867 article is Mr David Hamilton, transplant surgeon and medical historian, author of the classic text The Healers: a History of Medicine in Scotland.
CPD – This lecture has 2 non-clinical credits.
To book a free ticket please contact library@rcpsg.ac.uk, call 0141 221 6072 or go to rcp.sg/GS2017.