Lena Wanggren’s Gender, Technology and the New Woman has just been published, including two chapters on medical women. The book treats the protofeminist figure of the New Woman by focusing on specific technologies of the time, with two chapters concerning women in late nineteenth-century medical modernity: they deal with the New Style nurse (chapter 4) and the female doctor (chapter 5) respectively. There are readings of novels like Grant Allen’s nurse novel Hilda Wade, and female doctor novels like Arabella Kenealy’s Dr Janet of Harley Street and (Scottish writer and doctor) Margaret Todd’s Mona Maclean, Medical Student. Lena has a written a blog about the book, and the book itself is available here.
Megan Coyer’s newly published Literature and Medicine in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Press: Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 1817-1858 is also available Open Access by visiting the book page on Edinburgh University Press website and clicking on the resources tab. Find out more here.