Date: 9.30am – 4pm, Thursday 2nd March 2017
Location: Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh
The Scottish Autism Research Group (SARG) are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the annual SARG one-day research seminar. The theme of the seminar is Autism and Mental Health. A variety of current research topics will be covered including anxiety, depression, school-based mental health research and practitioner perspectives.
The day will feature talks from researchers and practitioners across Scotland and the rest of the UK. We are delighted that our keynote speaker for the day will be Dr Jacqui Rodgers, senior lecturer in clinical psychology in the Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University. Much of Jacqui’s work focuses on anxiety in autism, exploring theoretical models, assessment tools and intervention approaches. However, her work spans a wide range of topics in autism, including sensory processing, repetitive behaviour, and quality of life.
Other speakers include: Claire Evans-Williams, Judith Hebron, Matthias Schwannauer, and Mary Stewart.
To register:
Please email sarg@ed.ac.uk stating your name, location, any dietary/accessibility preferences, and your professional or personal interest (e.g. researcher, clinician, parent, autistic person). This is so we can understand the balance of representation within the audience on the day.
Please note that places are limited and will be allotted at the committee’s discretion, partially on a first come first served basis, but also with regard paid to ensuring a balance of representation within the audience. Seminar attendees will be asked to register at the start of the day and late-comers will not be admitted – please therefore only register if you know you are able to attend the full day.