Society for the Social History of Medicine Postgraduate Conference 2017
Health Histories: The Next Generation
Location: Shanghai University, China
Date: 12th – 13th October 2017
In cooperation with the University of Strathclyde and Shanghai University. Funded by the Wellcome Trust.
The Society for the Social History of Medicine periodically hosts an international conference for postgraduate students. The 2017 conference committee welcomes papers on any topic within the discipline of the social history of medicine and particularly encourage proposals for papers and panels that critically examine or challenge some aspect of the history of medicine and health. We welcome a range of methodological approaches, geographical regions, and time periods.
Proposals should be based on new research from postgraduate students currently registered in a University programme. Paper submissions should include a 250-word abstract, including five key words and a short (1-page) CV. Panel submissions should feature three papers (each with a 250-word abstract, including five key words, and a short CV), a chair, and a 100-word panel abstract.
For postgraduate students not currently funded through an existing fellowship or grant, funding is available to cover the costs associated with visas, travel, and accommodation in Shanghai. Upon confirmation of an accepted abstract, each postgraduate student is required to apply for a visa to travel to China. For more information about visas, please see https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/china/entry-requirements.
All postgraduate delegates must register (or already be registered) as members of the Society for the Social History of Medicine. For more information about SSHM student membership, please see http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/sochis/access_purchase/price_list.html.
To propose an abstract, please visit: https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/schoolofhumanities/history/healthhistoriesthenextgeneration/abstractsubmission/
To propose a panel, please visit: https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/schoolofhumanities/history/healthhistoriesthenextgeneration/panelsubmission/
Submissions and queries should be sent to Mrs Caroline Marley: cshhh-admin@strath.ac.uk.
Conference Organizers:
Dr Stephen Mawdsley, University of Strathclyde Professor Yong-an Zhang, Shanghai University
Abstract Deadline: 10 March 2017
2017 年英国医疗社会史学会研究生国际会议
资助:英国惠 康基金
时间:2017 年 10 月 12-13 日
地点:中国·上海大学 https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/schoolofhumanities/history/healthhistoriesthenextgeneration/
定期召开由研究生参加的国际会议,是英国医疗社会史学会的传统。今年的会议,学会 委员会欢迎研究生们提交任何属于医疗社会史研究范畴的论文,尤其鼓励那些对既有的医疗卫 生史研究进行批判性审视的论文以及小组会议计划书。我们欢迎参会论文涉及不同的研究取径、 研究地域以及历史时期。
提交至会议的计划书需要是在读研究生们正在从事的研究。欲参会者需要提交一份包含五 个关键词的 250 字左右的摘要,以及一份个人简历(一页)。小组会议的计划书需要包含三篇 论文(每篇论文也需提供 250 字左右的摘要,以及一份个人简历),小组会议主席姓名,以及 一份 100 字的小组会议摘要。
目前没有奖学金或其他资助的研究生们可以获得会议资助,以支付参加此次会议的签证、 旅行、以及在上海的住宿费用。如若申请参会获得通过,请研究生们申请前往中国的签证,关 于申请签证的信息,请访问 https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/china/entry-requirements.
所有与会的研究生们需要注册为(或者已经是)英国医疗社会史学会的会员。关于英国医 疗社会史学会学生会员的信息,请访问 http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/sochis/access_purchase/price_list.html.
提交个人摘要者请访问: https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/schoolofhumanities/history/healthhistoriesthenextgeneration/abst ractsubmission/
提交小组会议摘要者请访问: https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/schoolofhumanities/history/healthhistoriesthenextgeneration/pan elsubmission/
个人简历及其他咨询问题请提交至 Mrs. Caroline Marley: cshhh-admin@strath.ac.uk.
会议组织者:思克莱德大学 Stephen Mawdsley 博士;上海大学张勇安教授
摘要提交截止日期:2017 年 3 月 10 日