First International Conference on Historical Medical Discourse (CHIMED-1)
Location: University of Milan
Date: 14th-16th June 2017
It is a pleasure to announce that the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Milan will host the “First International Conference on Historical Medical Discourse” (CHIMED-1).
The general interest of the conference concerns medical discourse in historical perspective across disciplinary fields and research areas, such as: historical linguistics; historical lexicology and lexicography; medicine in/and literature; history of science, medicine and medical thought; history and social function of medical institutions; popularization of medical thought; translation of medical texts; medicine and cultural attitudes; medicine and society.
Contributions are expected to focus on the period 1650-1950.
Language of submission and discussion: English or Italian.
Deadline for abstract submission: 28th February 2017.
Notification of acceptance: 31st March 2017.
Call for proposals
We are looking forward to receiving proposals for 30-minute presentations (20 min. + 10 min. discussion). Abstracts of about 250-300 words (excluding references) should be sent as e-mail attachments (doc, docx or rtf files) to chimed-1@unimi.it by 28 February 2017. Abstracts should include: the title of the contribution; up to 5 keywords; a brief description of the planned study; and contact information (surname, name, institutional affiliation and position, etc.).
Possible topics include:
- Medical terminology: the creation of specialised vocabulary/lexicon, lexicological and lexicographic approach
- Medical discourse in literary texts, historical texts (social history, history of the discipline, history of medical institutions, etc.), specialized texts, personal/communal correspondence, personal/ professional records, handbooks, etc.
- Professional and scientific discourse in the history of medicine
- The origin of specialised medical journals (their professional/social function, their role in defining the discipline, etc.)
- Medical practices and innovative approaches in the history of medicine
- Epistemological changes in medical approach and practical issues
- The role of the practitioner/physician in society
- Relationship patient-practitioner (communicative needs, social impact, etc.) in historical perspective
Scientific committee: Giuseppe Armocida (Insubria), Michael Brown (Roehampton), Antonio De Francesco (Milan), Giuliana Garzone (Milan), Giovanni Iamartino (Milan), Clark Lawlor (Northumbria), Elisabetta Lonati (Milan), Paolo Mazzarello (Pavia), Laura Pinnavaia (Milan), Irma Taavitsainen (Helsinki).
Organising committee: Giovanni Iamartino, Elisabetta Lonati, Lucia Berti
For any enquiries regarding the programme, please contact Elisabetta Lonati (elisabetta.lonati@unimi.it). For all general enquiries, please contact Lucia Berti (lucia.berti@unimi.it) or chimed-1@unimi.it.