Deadline: 15th January 2017
We are seeking essay proposals for a peer-reviewed edited volume, Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health, which will be submitted to the Literary Disability Studies book series at Palgrave Macmillan (http://www.palgrave.com/us/series/14821). The volume will collect disability studies essays that focus on mental health, madness, and addiction in literary texts. Papers that engage with the place of psychiatric disability within the larger field of disability studies are especially welcome. Topics may include, but are certainly not limited, to the following:
- Intersections of addiction/psychiatric disability and race, class, gender, and queer identity in literature
- Autobiography, authority, and mental illness
- Disability and madness post-Foucault
- Neurodiversity and psychiatric disability
- Feminist and queer disability studies of psychiatric disability and addiction in literature
- Cross-cultural perspectives on mental illness and disability
- Madness studies in literature
- C/S/X (consumer/survivor/ex) patient narratives and disability studies
Please submit abstracts of 250-500 words, plus a short biography, to Elizabeth J. Donaldson edonalds@nyit.edu, by 15th January 2017. Queries about the CFP before this deadline are very welcome. Accepted authors will be notified by 1 February 2017, and first drafts of chapters (approximately 6000 words) will be due on 15 June 2017 for peer review.