Disability and Disciplines: The International Conference on Educational, Cultural, and Disability Studies
Date: 5th-6th July 2017
Location: Centre for Culture and Disability Studies, Liverpool Hope University
Keynote Speakers:
- Prof. Robert McRuer, George Washington University
- Prof. Katherine Runswick-Cole, Manchester Metropolitan University
Interdisciplinarity is pivotal in the development of the academy for many reasons, some of which form the conceptual framework of the Centre for Culture and Disability Studies. Although far from straightforward in practice, the thinking is that interdisciplinarity leads to curricular reform that itself leads to changes in social attitudes – or more specifically, that appreciation of disability studies within the various academic disciplines ultimately contributes to the erosion of ableism and disablism in culture and society.
The organisers of the 4th biennial CCDS conference welcome proposals from professors, lecturers, students, and other interested parties for papers that explore the benefits of interdisciplinarity between Disability Studies and subjects such as Aesthetics, Art, Business Studies, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, Education Studies, Film Studies, History, Holocaust Studies, International Studies, Literary Studies, Literacy Studies, Management Studies, Media Studies, Medical Humanities, Museum Studies, Philosophy, Professional Studies, Special Educational Needs, Technology, and Women’s Studies. This list is meant to be suggestive rather than exhaustive.
Paper proposals of 150-200 words should be sent to disciplines@hope.ac.uk on or before 1st February 2017.
Paper presentations are allocated 20 minute slots and poster presentations, as well as themed panels of 3 papers are also encouraged.
Booking information will be circulated in the coming weeks.
Like Disability and Disciplines on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DisciplinesConference
The CCDS conference in 2013 resulted in Disability, Avoidance, and the Academy: http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9781138858664/
Videos from the CCDS conference in 2015 are available: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmNcCKNIFGdTu5JjHbzf9DQ