The Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal (RDS) seeks proposals for the special forum “Cripping care: Care pedagogies and practices”. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1st November 2016. Full manuscripts should be submitted to the Special Guest Editors, Dr. Patty Douglas, Dr. Carla Rice, and Dr. Christine Kelly at douglasp@brandonu.ca, carlar@uoguelph.ca or christine.kelly@umanitoba.ca.
Please indicate that your proposal is for consideration of the special forum upon submission. Papers considered for inclusion should be approximately 6000 words, and may take the form of critical, academic, multimedia and creative works about disability and care as well as reflections on care’s varied pedagogical aspects and international scope.
Topics and questions related to disability and care pedagogies may include:
- Cripping care: Disability studies approaches to care
- Ethics of care
- Disability care ethics
- Caring in health/social care encounters
- Care in long-term and home care systems, policies and programs
- Disabled teachers and disability as teacher
- Pedagogies of care
- Phenomenologies of care
- Caring under austerity and neoliberalism
- Disabled health care providers and disabled caregivers
- Regulating care: Vulnerability, autonomy and notions of the human in legal and policy regimes governing care
- The entanglement of care and violence (including medical trauma, violence in/of cure, institutional violence, colonial violence, structural violence, as well as physical, sexual and other normative forms of violence)
- Caring and cared for bodies: inter- and intracorporealities
- Speaking back to regimes of biomedical care and biopedagogies of care
- Post-humanism and pedagogies of care
- Interspecies intimacies
- Relationalities: Intersubjective, familial and kinship care
- Innovative approaches to care
- Care beyond carceral spaces (i.e., institutional warehousing, long-term care, group homes, asylums)
- Caring as a pedagogy of possibility, for example, improvisation, creativity
- Care phenomenologies and pedagogies of time
- Intersectionality in care encounters and contexts
- Indigenous epistemologies, ontologies and care pedagogies and practices
- Affect, disability and care pedagogies
- Research ethics and pedagogies of care
- Disability justice and the political economy of care
Submissions to this special issue will undergo a process of peer-review. Authors will be notified of whether their papers will be invited for consideration in the forum by 1st December 2016. Final manuscripts are due 1st March 2017. Prospective authors are encouraged to consult the RDS website at www.rds.hawaii.edu for more information about the journal and its formatting guidelines. Authors are encouraged to review previous issues of RDS in preparing their paper and to subscribe to the journal. Please note that acceptance of an abstract or initial acceptance of an article does not guarantee publication in RDS. RDS is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, international journal published by the Center on Disability Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. The journal contains research articles, essays, creative works and multimedia relating to the culture of disability and people with disabilities.
We look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any questions or want to submit, please contact douglasp@brandonu.ca, carlar@uoguelph.ca or christine.kelly@umanitoba.ca.