Historical Perspectives is an established history society based at the University of Glasgow which acts as a network for postgraduate researchers throughout the United Kingdom. Our monthly seminar series provides a comfortable environment for postgraduate students to present their research, receive vital feedback, and generate discussion and explore ideas with their peers. Seminars are free to attend and open to academics, students, and the general public. All are welcome. We are currently accepting proposals for 20 minute papers to be presented during the first term of the 2016-2017 academic year beginning October 2016. We accept papers from across subjects and relevant to the following theme[s]:
- Ancient and Medieval
- Intellectual
- Environment and Ecology
- Crime, Justice, and Punishment
- Politics, Policy and the State
- Medical History and Science
- Heritage and Memory
- Gender and Sexuality
- American Studies
- Nations and Nationalism
- Material Culture
Seminars are held on the second or third Wednesday of each month at 17:00 at the University of Glasgow. Refreshments are provided and you’re invited to join us for a drink after each seminar for a chance to socialise and further discussion.
If you would like to present a paper at the University of Glasgow during the 2016-2017 academic year, please email us at histper@arts.gla.ac.uk with your name, a short description of your topic (250 words), and when you would be available to present. Please contact us before August 31st 2016 to indicate your interest in presenting.
Furthermore, while we are based at the University of Glasgow, should a large number of papers be submitted from a specific institution, we are more than happy to host a seminar at differing venues.
For more information, visit https://histperspectives.wordpress.com/, or follow us on Twitter @HistorPerspect.