The Future of Organ Donation in Scotland
Date: 6.30pm – 9pm, Friday 1st April
Location: Laboratory of Human Anatomy, Thomson Building, University of Glasgow, G12 8LU
I would like to warmly extend out an invitation to you for an evening event in the Laboratory of Human Anatomy. This event will present research informed findings and discussion around a recent Bill for a change to a soft opt-out system for organ donation by one of our BSc Honours student in Anatomy. In addition, history of anatomy and body donation will be presented, and discussion will follow from the audience and staff. This will be followed by a reception in the Museum of Anatomy, which you would be most welcome to attend too.
Recently a Bill for an Act of the Scottish Parliament to amend the law on the removal of parts of the body where the deceased did not record an objection was submitted. This was not agreed in the Scottish Parliament due to agreement not being reached on the general principles of the Bill.
As part of a collaborative project between the Laboratory of Human Anatomy, School of Life Sciences, University of Glasgow and the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), BSc Honours Anatomy student Ms. Evie Rogkoti explored the issues around this amendment to the Transplantation (Authorisation of Removal of Organs etc.) (Scotland) Bill, as part of her dissertation project supervised by Dr Paul M. Rea, Laboratory of Human Anatomy and Mr. Jamie Cooke, Head of the RSA Scotland.
This evening event, to be held in the Laboratory of Human Anatomy in conjunction with the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, will introduce the history of anatomy, briefly discuss body donation, and explore organ donation and the issues surrounding the current opt-in system, and the proposed changes to the Bill. This will be followed by a reception in the Museum of Anatomy.
I really do hope you can make it, and if so, I would like encourage you to sign up via our Eventbrite page, where the full plan of the event is detailed.
Thank you,
Paul Rea