Call for Papers: Disability, Work and Representation: New Perspectives
Special Issue: Disability Studies Quarterly (Fall 2017)
Editors: David Turner, Kirsti Bohata, Steven Thompson, Swansea University
Disability Studies Quarterly is pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue on Disability, Work and Representation: New Perspectives. Please circulate accordingly and direct questions to Dr. David Turner at d.m.turner@swansea.ac.uk.
In/ability to work plays a critical role in definitions of dis/ability, but the complexities of the relationship between people with disabilities and the world of work have only recently started to gain scholarly attention. Contributions are sought for a special issue of Disability Studies Quarterly that will showcase new interdisciplinary perspectives on disability, work and its representation in both contemporary and historical perspective. The issue will take a long and interdisciplinary view of the relationship between disability and work and encourages contributions that explore different national experiences and impairment perspectives. We aim to foster critical thinking about how dis/ability has been defined in relation to work and about how factors such as changing hiring processes, legislation and working environments have impacted upon participation. Contributions are also sought that will explore ways in which disability has been represented in relation to work culturally and artistically, or the impact of literary, artistic or media representations on policy. Contributors are invited to think about work broadly, to include paid and unpaid employment, emotional and intellectual as well as physical labor. Subjects might include, but are not limited to:
- Changing historical experiences of disability and work
- Dis/ability and the aesthetics of work
- The impact of age, gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity on experiences and employment prospects of workers with disabilities
- The role of economic systems in the inclusion or exclusion of workers with disabilities
- The relationship between work and citizenship
- Cultural representations of disability and un/employment
- Disability and employment laws
- Disability and unpaid work
- Disability and occupational health/medicine
- Rehabilitation and returning to work
- Disability and labor relations
- Current and historical perspectives on welfare and work
Please send an abstract (max 200 words) and a short biography (100 words) to Professor David Turner (d.m.turner@swansea.ac.uk) by July 1st 2016. The final deadline for submission for articles selected for inclusion in the Special Issue (max. 8000 words) will be January 31st 2017 with publication scheduled for September 2017. Final acceptance of manuscripts is subject to peer review.