Tuesday 10th November | 07.00pm for 07.45pm
Royal College of Physicians, 9 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JQ
Professor Brian McKinstry FRCGP
“Someone To Watch Over Me: Is machine surveillance the future of long-term condition management?”
Our population is aging and as a result the numbers of people with multiple long-term conditions is rising. Soon this growth will outstrip our ability to provide care in the ways we have up until now. Technology may be our only solution to this challenge, but how best is it applied? In this talk Prof Brian McKinstry outlines the research his team have undertaken in this field and discusses the promises and the pitfall of a world where increasingly machines monitor and begin to manage our care.
We are very grateful to Prof McKinstry for stepping in and presenting the keynote lecture this year after Prof Greenhalgh unfortunately had to withdraw due to personal reasons.
Buffet Supper 7.00pm – 7.45pm
Lecture 7.45pm – 9.00pm
Please book your place at the lecture prior to the event. Please note that we will not be able to cater for those who do not request supper and those who book on the day or the day before.
Brian McKinstry is a general practitioner and Professor of Primary Care eHealth at the University of Edinburgh. He leads the Edinburgh Health Services Research Unit and SHARE the Scottish Health Research Register.
His research interests are mainly around Health Service Research particularly in remote information exchange between clinicians and patients. His recent research has centred on telehealthcare and he has carried out several randomised controlled trials and qualitative studies in this area. These studies include telemonitoring of chronic obstructive airways disease, heart failure, high blood pressure and diabetes along with studies of satellite location for wandering people with dementia, the use of gamification to encourage children and adolescents to adopt healthier lifestyles, developing artificially intelligent avatar based systems for monitoring depression, robotic dispensing, remote measurement of cough and respirator rate and the use of machine learning on patient accrued data to develop improved telemonitoring algorithms.
Please email Fiona.Paterson@rcgp.org.uk to book a place.