What does it mean to ‘regenerate’, and what are the scientific, social, cultural and ethical implications of regeneration in its various forms? From biomedical engineering to stem cell therapy, the growth of regenerative medicine in the modern context has the potential to address challenges raised by stretched supplies of organ donors, chronic diseases and ageing populations. From a historical perspective, ideas about regeneration have appeared in discourses on diet and exercise, sleep and convalescence, surgery, electrotherapy and hormonal treatments, and have found expression in popular science and in popular culture. How has regeneration reflected and affected our understanding of the health and functionality of the body, and how might it continue to do so?
Funded by a Wellcome Trust Seed Award, the “Pasts, Presents and Futures of Medical Regeneration” project at the University of Leeds brings together a multidisciplinary cohort of researchers with combined expertise in biology, bioengineering, ethnology, sociology, philosophy, psychiatry, history of medicine and cultural studies, to examine the connections between past, present and future manifestations of medical regeneration.
We are looking for up to six researchers to join our existing team and take part in three creative exploratory workshops in Leeds on the theme of medical regeneration, which will likely take place in January, April and June 2016. These events will combine formal presentations, provocations and semi-structured discussion and debate.
We welcome applicants from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds across the sciences and the humanities at any career stage from PhD level to senior academic, with research interests and/or expertise in regeneration in any form, whether focused on a particular historical period or the modern context. All travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses will be covered and successful applicants will join a team of participants to define current interdisciplinary questions and scope future research agenda relevant across and beyond the medical humanities.
Applicants should submit a one-page statement outlining their interest and/or expertise in medical regeneration, together with an up-to-date CV, to Catherine Oakley (C.M.C.Oakley@leeds.ac.uk) by Friday 20th November 2015. Successful applicants will be notified in mid-December.
For queries or further information about the project visit the website, contact Principal Investigator Dr James Stark (J.F.Stark@leeds.ac.uk).