Now accepting applications: 2015-16 Maclagan Prize Scholarship
The Mason Institute are pleased to announce the 2015-16 Maclagan Prize Scholarship for a student already pursuing or wishing to pursue a PhD at the University of Edinburgh.
The topic of the PhD research project must be within the broad areas and themes of the Mason Institute – that is, ethical, legal, social and political implications and impacts of new technologies and practices in medicine and the life sciences, which are likely to have an ever greater and deeper impact on the everyday lives of individuals, groups and societies. Please note this can be in ANY related discipline – not solely law. Scholarships can be awarded to those who have already started their PhD, as well as those who are completing their MSc and are intending to apply for a PhD in the relevant school.
The Maclagan Prize PhD Scholarship offers one award each year for £2,000 per year for three years of a full-time PhD or £1000 per year for six years of a part-time PhD (with the total award amounting to £6000). Applications must be received by 5:00pm on Monday 5th October 2015 to be considered.
If you’re interested in applying, please visit our website for further details here. Please also feel free to pass this along to anyone who you think may be interested.