Date: Wednesday 16th December 2015
Time: 9:30am–2:30pm
Place: EDEN Arbour room, Liverpool Hope University, UK
The Centre for Culture and Disability Studies (CCDS) is the institutional base for the Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies (Liverpool University Press) and the book series Literary Disability Studies (Palgrave Macmillan). Given that the journal is approaching its 10th anniversary and the series is about to publish its 1st run of books, the CCDS will now endeavour to sustain this progress in the field by hosting the Symposium of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies. This is a unique opportunity to explore and exchange new ideas about literary and cultural representations and theories of disability.
The symposium will include 8-10 presentations that will be allocated 10-15 minute slots.
Proposals of 150-200 words should be sent to disciplines@hope.ac.uk on or before 30th September 2015. Note that late submissions cannot be accepted as paper proposals will be peer-reviewed externally.
For further information please contact Dr. David Bolt.
Email: boltd@hope.ac.uk
Postal address: Faculty of Education, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, UK, L16 9JD.