We’d like to alert you to the first UK speaking tour for the author Samuel Shem – who has written possibly one of (if not the) the most influential medical novels in the 20th century.
Professor Stephen Bergman (real name for Shem) and his wife/co-author Janet Surrey are doing some formal Medical Humanities events in Oxford and London and Glasgow (most are free to attend but require booking – the RSM conference has a delegate fee but this has been kept low to maximise attendance)
RCGP conference in Glasgow (1st-3rd Oct 2015)
6.30-9.30pm, 1st October
Prof Bergman will be at the RCGP conference in Glasgow (Oct 1-3) to give the final keynote and we have some time in the evening 6.30-9.30pm outside of the conference to meet with local humanities and philosophy scholars and students. The other focus for our networking meeting is Peter Toon, who writes about virtues and professional philosophy -lately concerning the concept of flourishing practices.
We are currently planning to meet in the Crowne Plaza Hotel mariners’ bar by the SECC unless a better local venue for a mingle is available in walking distance. Any local medical humanities scholars would be welcome to join us. Please email andrew.papanikitas@phc.ox.ac.uk to RSVP.
Many thanks,
Dr Andrew N Papanikitas